45 Willifield Way, London NW11 7XU

+44 (0)208 150 0081   


Director Stephen Read has a keen interest in building conservation and is a Chartered Architect and member of the RIBA.

Stephen has over 20 years professional experience working on residential projects of all scales.

Stephen studied at LMU and then Edinburgh University where he graduated with First Class Honours.

Stephen went onto work with a number of award wining practices before establishing Craeft Architects in 2013.


At the outset of the project it's crucial to take time to assess and understand the significance of the building.

Research often reveals interesting and surprising opportunities.

We will listen and spend time to understand your objectives and will explain what work needs consent.

Altering listed buildings can be a complex we will guide you through the process.

Older buildings often requires a deep understanding of building materials to ensure interventions work harmoniously.

We are committed to providing a quality service and follow rigorous processes to ensure a high level of professionalism.

Craeft Architects Limited. RIBA Chartered Practice. Registered in England. Company Number 08796178